Gizmos… “Politically Charged” iPhone App Denied? 29 Sep 2009 It appears, according to the App's developer, that the App known as "iSinglePayer" has been denied by Apple for being "politically charged. (Lambdajive via Daring Fireball via Engadget) I'm not…
Law… LRADs in Pittsburgh 29 Sep 2009 Looking at Gizmodo yesterday, I saw that the LRAD (Long Range Acoustical Device) was deployed on the protesters of the G-20 summit. Most of the news reports say that it's…
Law… Sen. Franken and the Fourth Amendment 24 Sep 2009 The Washington Independent is reporting that Senator Al Franken read the text of the Fourth Amendment to Assistant Attorney General (National Security Division) David Kris. Apparently, at some point of…
Law… Seeing is Believing 13 Jul 2009 Last week's revelations that the "President's Surveillance Program" was--no surprise--a whole hell of a lot larger than anyone admitted (AP via ABCNews) have stoked a little flame under Congressional Democrats,…
Politics… Spoonerisms 13 Jul 2009 I suppose this isn't a true spoonerism, such as thinking that Jimi Hendrix was saying "'scuze me while I kiss this guy," rather than saying "'scuze me while I kiss…
Law… Changing Antitrust Landscape 11 May 2009 The United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division has signaled a change in how the federal government will be looking at anticompetitive behavior. According to a press release issued today,…
Law… Norman Hsu Pleads Guilty 7 May 2009 Remember Norman Hsu? His name was everywhere during the early portions of the Democratic primary season, primarily because he helped Hillary Clinton get beaucoup bucks. (Obama, Biden, and Bill Richardson…