Office Administration… Dell Venue 8 Pro–Four Months On 30 Jun 2014 While plenty of people seem think that we are in a post-tablet era (meaning that pretty much everything we need to do can be done on a phone), I happen to…
Law… Innovation Breeds Contempt 17 Nov 2009 Except Viacom might have a little less contempt for you than it might originally be thought. The General Counsel at Viacom (the entertainment behemoth responsible for Showtime, MTV, Comedy Central,…
Law… Psystar 17 Nov 2009 It's a been a fun ride, but it looks like Psystar's quixotic efforts to let users install OS X on non-Apple hardware (or buy Apple clones) are pretty much over. …
Law… Municipal Wi-Fi Actually (still) Exists? 13 Nov 2009 I was under the impression that municipal Wi-Fi was a dead idea that municipalities had abandoned a couple of years ago. Apparently, Coshocton, Ohio didn't get the memo, because it's…
Law… Intel Antitrust Suit Filed 4 Nov 2009 Intel has been fighting an antitrust suit in Europe for years (recently getting hit with €1.06bn in fines) and now it must deal with essentially the same allegations in the…
Gizmos… By nook or by Crook 3 Nov 2009 Barnes & Noble's new ebook reader, the nook, is widely considered a Kindle killer. (Full disclosure: I was once an employee of Barnes & Noble, but that has nothing to…
Gizmos… Where’s the Map for That? 3 Nov 2009 It appears that at&t doesn't like Verizon's snarky "There's a Map for That" commercials. You know, the ones that somewhat inaccurately equate Apple's "There's an App for That" slogan with…
Gizmos… Google Maps Navigation on Android 2.0 28 Oct 2009 It was only a matter of time, really, before Google Maps became a turn-by-turn mobile application. And now it has. Gizmodo has a good write-up on its features and abilities,…
Gizmos… No Suit for You! 16 Oct 2009 I mentioned a while ago that ASCAP was suing AT&T over ringtones, saying that royalties were owed every time someone's phone rang. Public performance and all that. Well, in addition…
Gizmos… And the Cloud Goes Poof! 13 Oct 2009 Not really, because there are an awful lot of people committed to making sure that you do your computing remotely, but halfway reading this PC Magazine article (via Yahoo! News),…