hardware… Law Office Technology–Value Propositions Pt. 1 10 Mar 2015 The Apple event yesterday got me thinking--again--about the Apple tax. "Apple tax" is shorthand for "Apple products are overpriced." Apart from the Watch Edition (starting at $10,000, and topping out…
Law… When do Homages Turn into Copyright Infringement? 10 Mar 2015 The Robin Thicke song "Blurred Lines" is the subject of some fairly heated copyright litigation that won't go away. If you haven't heard, Marvin Gaye's estate is suing Robin Thicke,…
Law… TYSK: 5 Reasons Conspiracy Charges are Bears 10 Mar 2015 I can't tell you how many times I've spoken with someone who was recently arrested for a federal drug conspiracy, and that person says "they didn't even find drugs on…
hardware… Apple Watch Edition 9 Mar 2015 Maybe the Apple Watch Edition version, priced beginning at $10,000, is there to get people to think Mac Pros at $3,000 and up are a relative bargain.... (Shoot, even the Apple Watch (Regular…
hardware… Apple Watch Event Turned into a MacBook Event, Too 9 Mar 2015 Hey look. Apple made an even thinner laptop. Called simply the MacBook (no "Air" or "Pro" modifiers, though its size makes you wonder why they didn't call this the "Air"…
Office Administration… Law Office Technology–It’s Tough Relying on Google (or anyone else) 9 Mar 2015 The fact that GMail and Google Maps are still existent technologies is a somewhat surprising thing given Google's propensity to kill products. Google's Wave (lifespan: May 2009 to approximately August…
Office Administration… Apple Watch Release 9 Mar 2015 I've admittedly been wrong every time Apple releases a new product category. In the late '90s, I said the colorful iMacs were underpowered and too expensive (though I acknowledged how…
Office Administration… Law Office Technology–Why Holding Out Makes Sense 8 Mar 2015 The other day, I mentioned that waiting to buy new technology makes sense right now. Today I'm going to explain why. Well, at least as it regards Windows. Microsoft is…
Law… TYSK: J&J Sports Productions 6 Mar 2015 If you own a small restaurant or bar, and you've shown a pay-per-view boxing match on your television, chances are, you've received a letter from J&J Sports Productions, Inc. alleging…
Office Administration… Law Office Technology–Hold Out a Little Longer 2 Mar 2015 I spend a lot of time thinking about office technology, and how the advances in computing will impact my ability to practice law more effectively. Though I am apparently in…