Gizmos… And the Cloud Goes Poof! 13 Oct 2009 Not really, because there are an awful lot of people committed to making sure that you do your computing remotely, but halfway reading this PC Magazine article (via Yahoo! News),…
Law… Hack in the Box Conference 5 Oct 2009 Today marks the beginning of HITBSecConf2009--the Hack in the Box Security Conference--being held in Malaysia. The topics sound threatening ("Clobbering the Cloud," "Attacking Interoperability," "Bugs and Kisses: Spying on BlackBerry…
Software… Microsoft Wants Some of the Cloud 27 Oct 2008 The Wall Street Journal, among other sources, tell me that Microsoft is jumping on the "Cloud" bandwagon, trying mightily to tap into a market that Amazon, Google and others think…
Law… GoogleUpdate.exe, Chrome, and the Cloud 3 Sep 2008 After noticing that I had been getting a lot of traffic from people looking for GoogleUpdate.exe, I decided to go hunting for what all the fuss was about. From what…