Law… Cynicism and Personal Data 15 May 2015 I don't think I'm giving away any trade secrets by stating that a healthy majority of attorneys approach life with a hearty helping of cynicism. All it really takes to…
Gizmos… Where’s the Map for That? 3 Nov 2009 It appears that at&t doesn't like Verizon's snarky "There's a Map for That" commercials. You know, the ones that somewhat inaccurately equate Apple's "There's an App for That" slogan with…
Gizmos… No Suit for You! 16 Oct 2009 I mentioned a while ago that ASCAP was suing AT&T over ringtones, saying that royalties were owed every time someone's phone rang. Public performance and all that. Well, in addition…
Gizmos… “Politically Charged” iPhone App Denied? 29 Sep 2009 It appears, according to the App's developer, that the App known as "iSinglePayer" has been denied by Apple for being "politically charged. (Lambdajive via Daring Fireball via Engadget) I'm not…