Gizmos… Google Maps Navigation on Android 2.0 28 Oct 2009 It was only a matter of time, really, before Google Maps became a turn-by-turn mobile application. And now it has. Gizmodo has a good write-up on its features and abilities,…
Gizmos… No Suit for You! 16 Oct 2009 I mentioned a while ago that ASCAP was suing AT&T over ringtones, saying that royalties were owed every time someone's phone rang. Public performance and all that. Well, in addition…
Gizmos… And the Cloud Goes Poof! 13 Oct 2009 Not really, because there are an awful lot of people committed to making sure that you do your computing remotely, but halfway reading this PC Magazine article (via Yahoo! News),…
Gizmos… “Politically Charged” App Apparently Approved 5 Oct 2009 Ooooh, look at that consonance! Anyway, it looks like iSinglePayer has been approved after all, sayeth Engadget.
Gizmos… iPhone App Developers Souring? 2 Oct 2009 Macworld has an interesting post about the C4 independent developers conference, and the apparent trend towards not developing for the iPhone. As the post points out, yes, the App Store…
Gizmos… “Politically Charged” iPhone App Denied? 29 Sep 2009 It appears, according to the App's developer, that the App known as "iSinglePayer" has been denied by Apple for being "politically charged. (Lambdajive via Daring Fireball via Engadget) I'm not…
Gizmos… Opera Mini 5 beta for BlackBerry 16 Sep 2009 I saw this morning that Opera has released a new version of its mini browser. (See this Gizmodo post and this PC Magazine post (via Yahoo!).) Being fond of Opera's…
Gizmos… Blackberry App Test 11 Sep 2009 Last night, after struggling to post something through my BlackBerry's web browser, and failing, I thought "wouldn't it be nice to have an app on this thing?" Turns out there…
Gizmos… FCC, Exclusivity, and Broadband 22 Jun 2009 The acting chairman of the FCC, Michael J. Copps, recently addressed a crowd at Pike & Fischer's Broadband Policy Summit V, and what he discussed is pretty interesting. For one…
Gizmos… Open Source Malaise 1 Jun 2009 InfoWorld's Bill Snyder has a very interesting article about open source "leeching," and the apparent beginnings of some grumbling in the bleeding-edge world. I say it's interesting because of what…