Law… Biometrics and the TSA 12 Oct 2009 Airline travelers are quite used to metal detectors and x-ray machines by now. And they may be getting used to what I call "the puffing thing," but is referred to…
Law… New Deadline for Google Books 7 Oct 2009 Just a quickie: United States District Judge Denny Chin has set a new deadline for getting the Google Books settlement done. The new date is November 9, 2009. (Source)
Law… New Life for Old Books, but a Question Arises… 7 Oct 2009 As the parties in the Google Books case get back to the drafting table (this time with very special guest, the United States Department of Justice), one of the stated…
Gizmos… “Politically Charged” App Apparently Approved 5 Oct 2009 Ooooh, look at that consonance! Anyway, it looks like iSinglePayer has been approved after all, sayeth Engadget.
Law… Hack in the Box Conference 5 Oct 2009 Today marks the beginning of HITBSecConf2009--the Hack in the Box Security Conference--being held in Malaysia. The topics sound threatening ("Clobbering the Cloud," "Attacking Interoperability," "Bugs and Kisses: Spying on BlackBerry…
Gizmos… iPhone App Developers Souring? 2 Oct 2009 Macworld has an interesting post about the C4 independent developers conference, and the apparent trend towards not developing for the iPhone. As the post points out, yes, the App Store…
Cars… Renewable Energy Roundup 29 Sep 2009 As I mentioned yesterday, I went to the Renewable Energy Roundup in Fredericksburg, Texas over the weekend. While I'm keenly interested in renewable energy and in the Roundup's focus on…
Law… LRADs in Pittsburgh 29 Sep 2009 Looking at Gizmodo yesterday, I saw that the LRAD (Long Range Acoustical Device) was deployed on the protesters of the G-20 summit. Most of the news reports say that it's…
Law… Google Books and Antitrust Problems 19 Sep 2009 The Antitrust Division of the DOJ has weighed in on the Google Books settlement, and rejection of the settlement is urged. (See news articles on it here.) According to the…
Gizmos… Opera Mini 5 beta for BlackBerry 16 Sep 2009 I saw this morning that Opera has released a new version of its mini browser. (See this Gizmodo post and this PC Magazine post (via Yahoo!).) Being fond of Opera's…