Software… Using Linux This Evening… 29 Oct 2008 Those who already use Linux are probably rolling their eyes this evening, but I think what I have done this evening is really quite impressive. I downloaded a Live distro…
Law… Table of Authorities and OpenOffice–How-To 29 Oct 2008 This morning I was griping about operating systems, and I mentioned that I would like to use Linux, but OpenOffice seemed a limiting factor in that decision, because of the…
Software… The Redmond Underdogs? 29 Oct 2008 Well, I guess it's happened. The conventional wisdom in the OS world appears to be that Apple has truly won the OS wars. Not from a distribution standpoint, of course,…
Law… Azure Not Registered 27 Oct 2008 A little glee out there in the world, as it appears that Microsoft hadn't gotten 'round to registering "Azure" with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. "According to searches…
Software… Microsoft Wants Some of the Cloud 27 Oct 2008 The Wall Street Journal, among other sources, tell me that Microsoft is jumping on the "Cloud" bandwagon, trying mightily to tap into a market that Amazon, Google and others think…
Entertainment… Getting Netflix on a Mac 27 Oct 2008 As time goes on, I may begin to seem a little more critical of Macs than non-Macs. Macs are gorgeous machines (if a little blah in the color-scheme; a guy…
Entertainment… No surprises here…. Studios Don’t Like RealDVD 30 Sep 2008 My last post (three weeks ago, natch) suggested that the studios would find some way to sue RealNetworks for its software, RealDVD, even if Real wasn't hacking the encryption. Looks…
Law… RealDVD 8 Sep 2008 According to a blog on Fortune's site, Real Networks (buffering..............) has unveiled a new DVD ripping technology that doesn't hack the encryption on DVDs. This, so it seems, makes copying…
Law… EULA Drama 4 Sep 2008 So the past few days have seen some compartmentalized drama regarding Google's Chrome EULA and the damned GoogleUpdate.exe. Which got me to think about other software's EULAs and what they…
Law… GoogleUpdate.exe, Chrome, and the Cloud 3 Sep 2008 After noticing that I had been getting a lot of traffic from people looking for GoogleUpdate.exe, I decided to go hunting for what all the fuss was about. From what…