I’ve done a little more testing of Chrome. So far, so very good. If the purpose behind Chrome is to get people to stop using IE, then I think it will be very successful. I’m able to use LEXIS with no problem, I’m able to play Flash files just fine, and ECF/PACER sessions seem to cause me no problems. I had used IE for all three of those tasks because I found FF to be a little unreliable in getting them to work just right. Chrome gave me no hiccups at all.
So far, anyway.
Well, actually, I’m noticing something. As I’m editing this post, text input is massively delayed. So, I opened Windows Task Manager to see what was eating my system. I’m not running an especially robust system, so I’m not surprised about what I see. I saw somewhere that Chrome will perform much better on multi-core rigs, and now I see why. I have, let’s see, five tabs open. In Task Manager, I see one, two, three, four, five, six, seven instances of Chrome.exe, and an instance of GoogleUpdate.exe. The total memory usage for Chrome/GoogleUpdate, then, is … … more than 203 megabytes. Hmmm. I’ve never had FF or IE go that high, but I suppose that’s because they became slow and somewhat unstable after 125 megs or so. I suppose Chrome is a little more stable even with that higher memory usage, so that’s a good thing, but I’m surprised that it’s eating so much memory with only five tabs open…
Well, it’s a beta product, so we’ll see. It’s fun to play with, anyway.